In a rare consensus, Wisconsin leaders in business,
government, and education, among others, agree on the necessity of preparing students
to become globally competent citizens – that is, citizens who have the
knowledge, skills and attitudes that enable them to live, work and interact in
a diverse, interconnected world.
The Governor’s WITCO Task Force on International Education
made that clear with its 1998 recommendations, as did the State
Superintendent’s International Education Council in its 2005 report, Global Literacy for Wisconsin.
Increasingly, students are recognizing that acquiring global
skills and knowledge can open doors to greater educational, career, and
personal opportunities – and they want access to these pathways.
The recommendations include not only beefing up instruction
in world languages and social studies, but also infusing global perspectives
across the curriculum. After all, many of today’s challenges are international
in nature, from health and environmental science to business and commerce, and
our educational system needs to reflect this.
Educators, community and business leaders brought together
at the April 2011 meeting of the Statewide International Education Council and at
the Wisconsin Global Education Summit in February 2012, and high school
students who attended the first Wisconsin Global Youth Summit in February 2013 called
for doing more to foster the development of global citizenship across the state.
In response, State Superintendent Tony Evers this fall unveiled
the Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate – the first statewide
policy of this kind in the nation – to provide a framework for schools to begin
translating years of recommendations into practice.
The Global Education
Achievement Certificate enables graduating high school students to earn
recognition for successfully completing a broad international curriculum and
engaging in co‐curricular activities and experiences that foster the skills and
knowledge that today’s marketplace values.
Under the policy, each district defines its own criteria for
awarding the Global Scholars designation, within the guidelines. Mindful of the
diversity among districts across the state, the policy provides flexibility, while
maintaining sufficient rigor to ensure that the certificate has value.
Aware of today’s fiscal landscape for public education, the
working group that shaped this policy sought to ensure that districts could
implement the certificate program at little or no added expense.
As architects of the policy, we recognized that our schools
already have many of the key curricular components for global education. We set
out to provide a framework to tie these pieces together, while also encouraging
schools to strengthen international content where possible and appropriate.
The co-curricular and service components of the certificate
program are intended, in part, to encourage students and schools to identify
and reach out to international resources within their communities and around
the state. In addition to universities and colleges, these resources can include
businesses with international connections, immigrants, cultural organizations,
and individuals with international interests, experiences and expertise – such as
returned Peace Corps Volunteers.
Many of us who are engaged in international education believe
that Wisconsin already has significant capacity to advance the goals that have
been repeatedly articulated, if only we connect these resources in a coherent
framework. The Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate policy aims
to do just that.
Kerry G. Hill
President, Global Wisconsin, Inc.
Member, State Superintendent's International Education
Director of Public Affairs, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Division of International Studies