By Helga
Helga Fasciano is the Special Assistant
for Global Education to the State Superintendent of Schools at the North Carolina
Department of Public Instruction. Her blog contribution below describes the
recently launched global education initiative in North Carolina’s schools. Both
Wisconsin and North Carolina work toward the same goal: to educate globally
competent students. Strategies differ, though. Read about North Carolina’s
important initiative. We will be following its success story closely.
September 2011, the North Carolina State Board of Education (SBE) formed a Task
Force on Global Education to assess the state's effort to produce
"globally competitive" graduates ready to live, work, and contribute
in an interconnected world. Based on feedback it received, the Task Force noted
six major findings and made five commitments to take
supporting action to ensure every public school student graduates fully
prepared for the world. This effort focuses on assuring that students
understand and appreciate other countries, languages and cultures.
Students for the World: Final Report of the State Board of Education's Task
Force on Global Education Presented at the SBE Board meeting in January, 2013.
1: Robust and Cutting-Edge Teacher Support and Tools
1.1 - Provide content
for embedding global themes and problem-based learning that focuses on global issues,
including history, social studies and geography, throughout the K-12 curriculum
consistent with the North Carolina Essential Standards, the North
Carolina Essential Standards, and the NC Professional Teaching Standards,
including guidelines specific to a global-ready designated graduation project.
1.2 - Implement an
SBE-recognized badging process for teacher and administrators to support a
professional development system for global content that leads to an
endorsement, certificate, or other recognition with market value.
1.3 - Require teacher
preparation institutions to prepare teacher candidates to use global content
when implementing the North Carolina Essential Standards. This
would include working with schools of education and other partners to develop
modules for existing courses.
Commitment 2: Leading-edge Language Instruction
2.1 - Institute a plan
for statewide access to dual language/immersion choice opportunities in public
education beginning in elementary school and continuing through high school.
The plan shall identify priority languages and utilize regional options
including schools of choice and magnet schools.
2.2 - Partner with
institutions of higher education (IHEs) and other relevant stakeholders to
establish plans to increase the supply of competent K-12 World Language
teachers through recruitment, production, and retention. The plans shall
include strategies to maximize the numbers of educators on language staffs who
have advanced proficiency including native speakers. Such a plan shall include
strategies to maintain and increase the language proficiency of language
teachers through on-going professional development and experiential
opportunities. The plan should also include the testing of language teachers
for proficiency as part of the hiring and certification process, as well as
establishing a proficiency retention program.
2.3 - Refocus
traditional high school credit language courses to include a greater emphasis
on the study of global and international affairs and the economies, societies
and cultures of other nations, along with survival language skills. The
strategy developed must be capable of being implemented using existing
resources, include teacher and leader professional development to enable the
transition and be aligned to IHE admission requirements.
Commitment 3: New School Models
3.1 - Develop new
school models focused on international education that would include, but not be
limited to, the following:
An internationally-themed residential high school;
Preferences for international themes in the charter school
approval process ;
Transformation models for low-performing schools;
Redesigned school-within-school models;
Virtual schools-within-a-school that provide technology-enabled
international partnerships and instructional opportunities; and
Regional dual language/immersion school choices.
3.2 - Identify
non-governmental partners to assist school districts and schools in the
implementation of these school models.
4: District Networking and Recognition
4.1 - Expand and
enhance the NC Global Schools Network to support district
implementation of global content, teacher professional development,
cutting-edge language instruction, and new school models.
4.2 - Institute in
concert with global education partners a Global-Ready designation for schools
and districts that provides a process and incentives and addresses, at the
least, the following:
K-12 world language opportunities for all students;
Pathways for teachers, leaders and administrators to achieve
SBE-recognized badging;
Career-ready employer requirements;
Global school partnerships; and
Local school board resolutions and plans on global education.
4.3 - Task an entity
with collecting and communicating lessons learned around school, district,
state, national and international global education initiatives
5: Strategic International Relationships
5.1 - Where
appropriate, work with the NC Department of Commerce, the State Chamber of
Commerce, the North Carolina Business Committee for Education and other key
business partners to:
Identify priority nations and establish a minimum of five new
international relationships consistent with SBE global education priorities.
Renew existing and explore new Memoranda of Understanding with
international partners and the North Carolina State Board of Education.
5.2 - Name partner
countries to serve as the primary source of information about skill
requirements and projections, inform development of K-12 curriculum and teacher
preparation and professional development, and serve as a high priority source
and destination for administrator, principal, and teacher exchanges and visits.